New words can be formed in Elefen by adding a suffix, prefix or joining two existing words. Some of these cannot be found in the dictionary.
- anti. To indicate opossition of the word that is attached to. Eroe, antieroe - hero, antihero.
- auto. To indicate reflection or automatic actions. Aida, autoaida - help, self-help; coreta, autocoreti - correct, to autocorrect.
- bon. To form the good version of a word. Ajusta, bonajustada - to adjust, well-adjusted.
- des. To indicate the undoing of an action. Sifri, desifri - to encode, to decode.
- inter. That something is mutual or agreed upon. Vocal, intervocal - vocalic, intervocalic.
- mal. To form the bad version of a word. Calcula, malcalcula - to calculate, to miscalculate.
- media. To indicate the middle of something. Note, medianote - night, midnight.
- non. For opposites. Cortes, noncortes - polite, impolite.
- pos. To form words that are behind something else or after some time. Graduada, posgraduada - graduate, postgraduate; efeto, posefeto - consequence, aftermath.
- pre. To form words that are in front of something else or before some time. Graduada, pregraduada - graduate, undergraduate.
- re. Forms verbs that indicate repetition or something in the reverse direction. Veni, reveni - to come, to return.
- su. To indicate that something is under something else. Consensa, suconsensa - conscious, subconscious.
- supra. To indicate that something is above something else. Calda, supracalda - hot, superhot.
- vis. To indicate the second in command. Presidente, vispresidente - president, vice-president.
- able. It is added to verbs to form an adjective that means that something has that capacity. Nota, notable - to note, notable.
- ador. Forms nouns that mean that a tool or machine does the thing. Lava, lavador - to wash, washing machine
- al. Transforms nouns into adjectives that denote a relation to the original noun. Siensa, siensal - science, scientific.
- an. Sometimes added to nouns that denote eras, times or places to form the adjective version. Victoria, victorian - victoria, victorian.
- da. Transforms verbs into the passive participle. Jela, jelada - to freeze, frozen.
- eria. Forms nouns that denote a place somehow associated with the initial word. Cafe, caferia - coffee, café.
- i. To form verbs. Flor, flori - flower, to blossom.
- ia. It forms the abstract version of the word that denotes it as property or quality. Madre, madria - mother, motherhood.
- ica. It is added to nouns that denote some medical problem to form the adjective version. Catalesia, catalesica - catalepsy, cataleptic.
- in. It’s added to nouns to create adjectives that denote that the thing described has some of the properties of the original word. Enfante, enfantin - child, childish.
- iste. In general, it is added to nouns that denote a belief to make it an adjective. Otimisme, otimiste - optimism, optimistic.
- nte. Transforms verbs into the active participle. Pleni, pleninte - to fill, filling.
- or. Forms nouns that mean that a person does that habitually, maybe as a job. Aida, aidor - to help, helper.
- osa. To form adjectives meaning that something is full or made of the original noun. Oro, orosa - gold, made of gold.
Published: 210720
Updated: 221214