Quick Mini overview

Mini is a constructed language created by S.C. Gruget. It has 1000 words and a simple but useful grammar. Mini’s sentences are structured in the subject, verb, object manner:

Given that words can function like any other words (that is, a verb also works as noun, for example), Mini uses particles to mark the role of a word in a sentence:


It uses the letters a, b, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v. Pronunciation of consonants is the same as in English, vowels sound a bit more like in Spanish. Stress of a word always falls on the second to last syllable.

Tense and verb aspect is unspecified, but if needed it is built in combination with the i particle and another word:

For negation precede the word no to that which you need negated:

For an adjective precede a noun with a word. For an adverb follow a verb with o and a word:

Possessives are just pronouns and subjects used as adjectives:

The conjunctions are an, u:

Dependent and subordinating clauses also have their own words to mark their role:

Simple yes or no questions just add a ?:

Open questions use ke in a variety of ways:

Numbers work as adjectives and are composed from left to right:

You can create new words by composing them:


Published: 230205 Updated: 230627