The numbers in Esperanto
Cardinal numbers
- 0: nul.
- 1: unu.
- 2: du.
- 3: tri.
- 4: kvar.
- 5: kvin.
- 6: ses.
- 7: sep.
- 8: ok.
- 9: naŭ.
- 10: dek.
- 11: dek unu.
- 12: dek du.
- 20: dudek.
- 21: dudek unu.
- 100: cent.
- 1000: mil.
Let’s see some examples:
- -7890: minus sep mil okcent naŭdek.
- 1,621: unu komo sescent dudek unu.
- 1/2: duono.
- 56/99: kvindek ses naŭdekonoj.
Notice that fractions use the ending -ono only in the denominator. If the numerator is a one then it is omitted when reading it. When using them in sentences they usually describe some noun, like adjectives but unlike them, they don’t take any special ending:
- I have 20 fingers: Mi havas dudek fingrojn.
- 200 is too much: Ducent estas tro multe.
Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers are just the adjectival form of the cardinal numbers, so just add the -a ending. Also as adjectives, they take any ending and follow every rule of any other:
- First: Unua.
- Tenth: Deka.
- He is the 23rd in line: Li estas la dudek tria en vico.
Published: 200803