Spelling and letter names in Mini

If you need to spell a word in Mini, just add an “e” to the consonants and read the vowels the same way. For example “aero-pota” would be spelled: a, e, re, o, meno, pe, o, te, a. These are the names of all the Mini letters:

If you need to spell a name or word that uses letters not found in Mini, use the NATO phonetic alphabet for the missing ones. For example, the email address abc_123@example.com would be spelled: a, be, charlie, unda-meno, uno, duo, san, elika, e, xray, a, me, pe, le, e, punto, charlie, o, me. These are letters commonly found in other languages that are not in Mini and their NATO codewords:

For the names of common symbols, check the dictionary. Here are some commonly used:


Published: 230619 Updated: 230624