Mini translations
This a list of material translated by me to Mini.
150 Canonical sentences in Mini
1988 australian newspaper ad about gun laws
Article: 15-minute city
Article: Formication
Article: Shi Pei Pu
Article: Smallpox demon
Article: Sure-footedness
Example Mini sentences
Aesop fables:
A raven and a swan
Belling the cat
Hercules and the wagoner
Jupiter and the monkey
Mercury and the woodman
The animals and the plague
The ant and the dove
The ants and the grasshopper
The ass and his driver
The ass and his purchaser
The ass and its shadow
The ass and the grasshoppers
The ass and the lap dog
The father and his sons
The tortoise and the hare
Pepper and Carrot comic:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Mini resources
Published: 230102
Updated: 240524